Learn how to

think with reality

so your efforts to heal

effect real

The School for Living Science is an association of people whose will it is to advance healing and freedom, both in the individual and in human society, through the scientific study of living phenomena.

Grand opening spring/summer 2024.

Join the waitlist and be the first to get notified, with an opportunity to lock in the founding member rate for life.

    When we know how we function,we know how to heal.

    Join us in the quest for real knowledge of the whole human organism - gained from deep insight into the living nature of the physical and spiritual human being - which will effectively guide us through the chronic health crises of our time.

    The School is a place for those seeking spiritual and scientific knowledge of the whole human organism.

    We envision a world where those in need of care - the sick and in pain, the injured and traumatized, the dying - have access to practitioners and healing facilities that offer methods based on deep insight into the physical and spiritual nature of the human being. Where pain and illness are met with love and listening, and our healing efforts effect real change - within individuals, within families, and in society.






    “Someday someone will write a pathology of experimental physics and bring to light all those swindles which subvert our reason, beguile our judgement and, what is worse, stand in the way of any practical progress. The phenomena must be freed once and for all from their grim torture chamber of empiricism, mechanism, and dogmatism; they must be brought before the jury of man's common sense.”

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


    What is the true nature of the human being? We are clearly more than the merely material elements of our physical body. What are we to make of human consciousness, and the intelligence permeating all living phenomena, including us? And how can a deep understanding of the material and spiritual realities of our nature help us catalyze new healing impulses that can effectively guide us through our current health crises?

    Focusing on the theme of “finding the Whole through the One,” our Core Curriculum will trace a path through the deepest strata of human nature - the body - where we will encounter both worldly and cosmic wisdom underlying the patterns and principles of our material and spiritual being. The School consists of four “terms” (seasons) of intellectual, philosophical and social scientific work.

    Students will face the challenge of penetrating phenomenological realities of the human being, including the true nature of pain and illness, to arrive at practical paths to healing and freedom that meet the needs of our time.


    TERM I: summer
    languages of the human organism

    Pain and pleasure. Sensations and emotions. Instincts, impulses and intuitions. Heat, cold, tension, space. The body speaks in a living language that reveals our multi-dimensional nature. Tracing these ‘languages’ to their origins and purpose, we will come to understand our integral role as individuals within the evolutionary arc of humanity as a whole.

    TERM II: fall
    the labyrinth & the knowledge field

    Is there such a thing as objective truth? And if so, can we apprehend it? Embark on a journey from the left to the right brain and back again. Journey from the subjective world of meanings, beliefs and stories into the black void of infinite potential. Activate your innate sense of awe and wonder to discover the transcendent in the mundane.

    TERM III: winter
    the one, the many & the whole

    Untangle the whole into its most vital constituent parts: body, soul and spirit; fascia, nervous system and blood; physical, etheric, astral and ego/I; thinking, feeling, and willing. Contribute to emerging theories linking modern illnesses to imbalances in the member parts. See the whole human organism in its totality - as a living process and a system of systems engaged in dynamic relationships: with itself, with the whole human world, with the planet and the cosmos.

    TERM IV: spring
    pain and its transformation

    What is the nature and purpose of pain? And what is its role in human evolution? These questions will lead us from physiology, neuroscience, psychology and physics into the spiritual domain, where we will find our place in the cosmic whole. Weaving together the major themes of our previous terms, we will explore practices that are both “curative” and “diagnostic” - a primary practice of living science practitioners.


    While this year long curriculum will advance the careers of holistic practitioners and guide individuals seeking self knowledge towards healing and freedom, we are aiming at something more - the preparation of students to meet the challenges of our times in all areas of life.

    The present moment calls for real knowledge of our physical and spiritual nature….

    We envision Schools all over the world, from which could emerge new models for hospitals, elder care facilities, wellness centers and scientific research facilities.

    Sign up to be notified of our grand opening launch in spring/summer 2024 - with an opportunity to lock in the lowest monthly price as a founding member.